The depth of the first model of a mobile phone measure 7/20 of an inch. The second model is 6/7 Was the depth of the first model. The third model measured 27/35 of the size of the first model. The fourth model was 4/5 the size of the first model. What is the size of each model of the phone?

I have no clue how to do this please help

No idea. I can't quite even figure just what the question is.

It appears you are working on multiplying fractions.

1st model: 7/20
2nd model: (7/20)(6/7) = (7*6)/(7*20) = 3/10
3rd model: (7/20)(27/35) = (7*27)/(20*7*5) = 27/100
4th model: (7/20)(4/5) = (7*4)/(20*5) = 7/25

To find the size of each model of the phone, we can start by assigning a variable to the depth of the first model. Let's say the depth of the first model is "x" inches.

Given that:
- The depth of the second model is 6/7 the size of the first model, we can calculate it as (6/7)x.
- The depth of the third model is 27/35 the size of the first model, we can calculate it as (27/35)x.
- The depth of the fourth model is 4/5 the size of the first model, we can calculate it as (4/5)x.

Therefore, the sizes of each model of the phone are as follows:
- First model: x inches
- Second model: (6/7)x inches
- Third model: (27/35)x inches
- Fourth model: (4/5)x inches

To solve this problem, we need to assign a variable to the size of the first model and then find the sizes of the other models relative to the first model.

Let's say the size of the first model is x inches.

The depth of the first model is given as 7/20 of an inch.
So, the depth of the first model = (7/20) * x = 7x/20.

The second model is 6/7 the depth of the first model.
So, the depth of the second model = (6/7) * (7x/20) = 6x/20 = 3x/10.

The third model is 27/35 the size of the first model.
So, the depth of the third model = (27/35) * (7x/20) = 27x/100.

The fourth model is 4/5 the size of the first model.
So, the depth of the fourth model = (4/5) * (7x/20) = 28x/100 = 7x/25.

In summary, the depth of each model is as follows:

First model: 7x/20
Second model: 3x/10
Third model: 27x/100
Fourth model: 7x/25

Now, if you know the value of x (the size of the first model), you can substitute that value to find the actual size of each model.