Tamara has 4 times as many pages to read for her book report as maria. Tamara has 20 pages left to read. how many pages does maria have left to read?

20/4 = ?

To find out how many pages Maria has left to read, we need to determine the ratio of the number of pages Tamara has to the number of pages Maria has.

Given that Tamara has 4 times as many pages to read for her book report as Maria, we can write this as an equation:
Tamara's pages = 4 * Maria's pages

We also know that Tamara has 20 pages left to read. Substituting this value into the equation:
20 = 4 * Maria's pages

Next, we need to isolate Maria's pages. We can do this by dividing both sides of the equation by 4:
20 / 4 = 4 * Maria's pages / 4

5 = Maria's pages

Therefore, Maria has 5 pages left to read for her book report.

To solve this problem, we need to find out the number of pages Maria has left to read. We are given that Tamara has four times as many pages to read as Maria, and Tamara has 20 pages left to read.

Let's assume that Maria has x pages left to read. According to the information given, Tamara has 4x pages to read.

We know that Tamara has 20 pages left to read. So, we can set up the equation:

4x = 20

Now, we can solve this equation for x:

Dividing both sides of the equation by 4:
x = 20/4

x = 5

Therefore, Maria has 5 pages left to read.