analogies. eighteen:even:: thirty-three:

I don't understand this question?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. The word "analogies" means to analyze the relationship between "eighteen:even" and can you find what goes with "thirty-three:........" (18 is to the word "even" as 33 is to the word "odd."


eighteen : even :: thirty three

What is the analogies to this question eighteen:even::thirty-three:

I need help can you tell me the answers to Daily Language Review Thursday 2 page 9 please and thank you can you do it by today right now because i gotta get this done right now

In order to solve analogies like this one, it's important to identify the relationship between the first pair of words and then apply that relationship to the second pair of words. Let's break down the given analogy:

The first pair of words is "eighteen : even." The relationship between these words is that "eighteen" is an even number. In other words, "even" is a characteristic or property of "eighteen."

Now, we need to find the word in the second pair that has a similar relationship with "thirty-three." Since "thirty-three" is not an even number, we are looking for a word that represents a different characteristic or property of "thirty-three."

If we analyze "thirty-three," we can note that it consists of two consecutive numbers, 30 and 33. So, the characteristic or property we should be looking for is that the word should be related to the idea of consecutive numbers.

Considering this information, we can suggest that the answer to the analogy is "odd." This is because "thirty-three" is an odd number, and "odd" is a characteristic or property of it, just like "even" is a characteristic or property of "eighteen."

Therefore, the completed analogy is "eighteen : even :: thirty-three : odd."