Q3. Identify whether the word groups are fused sentence, comma splice or correct sentence. (1.0 )

i. First, I must go shopping, then I have to decide what to fix for dinner.(comma splice)
ii. She was, however, tired and worn out.(comma splice)
iii. I hiked for five hours yesterday, consequently I am too tired to go hiking again today. (fused sentence)
iv. I don't care at least this year I will be successful. (correct sentence)

Number i is correct, but the others aren't.

PLEASE read and study these webpages I gave you. They have explanations and examples so you can learn to recognize and fix these kinds of errors.


In order to identify whether the word groups are fused sentences, comma splices, or correct sentences, we need to understand the definitions of these terms.

- A fused sentence, also known as a run-on sentence, occurs when two or more independent clauses (complete sentences) are joined together without proper punctuation or conjunctions.
- A comma splice is a specific type of fused sentence that occurs when two independent clauses are joined together with just a comma.
- A correct sentence is one that follows the rules of grammar and punctuation, with each independent clause properly separated and connected.

Now let's analyze each word group to determine the correct classification:

i. "First, I must go shopping, then I have to decide what to fix for dinner."
This is an example of a comma splice because it contains two independent clauses ("First, I must go shopping" and "then I have to decide what to fix for dinner") joined together with just a comma.

ii. "She was, however, tired and worn out."
This sentence is also a comma splice because it joins two independent clauses ("She was" and "however, tired and worn out") with just a comma.

iii. "I hiked for five hours yesterday, consequently I am too tired to go hiking again today."
This is a fused sentence because it does not provide any proper punctuation or conjunction to connect the two independent clauses ("I hiked for five hours yesterday" and "consequently I am too tired to go hiking again today").

iv. "I don't care at least this year I will be successful."
This is a correct sentence because it consists of one independent clause ("I don't care") followed by another independent clause ("at least this year I will be successful"), properly separated by a period.

To summarize:
- Sentence i is a comma splice.
- Sentence ii is a comma splice.
- Sentence iii is a fused sentence.
- Sentence iv is a correct sentence.