1. Estimate the value of the square root of 45 o the nearest integer.

a. -7
b. 6
c. 7**
d. -6

2. An estimate for the square root of -66 is ?
a. -6
b. -7
c. -8**
d. -9

3. An estimate for the square root of 3 is?
A. 1
B. 1.2
C. 1.7**
D. 2

All are right.


You're welcome.

1. To estimate the value of the square root of 45 to the nearest integer, we need to find the two consecutive integers between which the square root of 45 falls.

The square root of 45 is between 6 and 7 because 6^2 = 36 and 7^2 = 49. Since 45 is closer to 49 than 36, we can estimate that the square root of 45 is closer to 7 than 6.

Therefore, the answer is c. 7.

2. It is not possible to take the square root of a negative number and obtain a real number. The square root function is defined for non-negative real numbers only. Therefore, the square root of -66 is not a real number.

However, if this question is asking for an estimate, we can assume that the square root of -66 is a complex number. In that case, the answer would be a. -6.

3. To estimate the square root of 3, we can identify the two nearest perfect squares.

The perfect squares before and after 3 are 1 and 4 respectively (1^2 = 1 and 2^2 = 4). Since 3 is closer to 4 than 1, we can estimate that the square root of 3 is closer to the square root of 4, which is 2.

Therefore, the answer is D. 2.