Nine times twelve minus four times two to the power of two plus six equals sixty eight

No parentheses in there?*12-4*2%5E2%2B6&oq=9*12-4*2%5E2%2B6&aqs=chrome..69i57.2387j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8

Don't you have a numberpad on your keyboard?

I get 98 also.

To solve the equation "Nine times twelve minus four times two to the power of two plus six equals sixty-eight," we can break it down step by step:

1. Start with the expression "four times two to the power of two." The power operation takes precedence, so calculate the exponent first:
2^2 = 2 * 2 = 4

2. Now we have "nine times twelve minus four times four plus six equals sixty-eight," so proceed with the multiplication first:
9 * 12 = 108
4 * 4 = 16

3. Our expression becomes "108 minus 16 plus 6 equals sixty-eight." We can now perform the remaining subtraction and addition:
108 - 16 = 92
92 + 6 = 98

4. The equation becomes "98 equals sixty-eight," which is not correct. Therefore, the statement "Nine times twelve minus four times two to the power of two plus six equals sixty-eight" is false.

To verify the correctness of the statement:
1. Calculate "nine times twelve minus four times two to the power of two plus six":
9 * 12 = 108
4 * 2^2 = 4 * 4 = 16
108 - 16 = 92
92 + 6 = 98

2. Compare the result (98) with the given number (68). Since they are not equal, the statement is false.

Therefore, the solution to the equation is incorrect, and the given statement is false.