I am struggling with this question. Can someone help me, please :)

I do not understand the meaning or point in orientalism.

List two to three characteristics of Orientalism. How may Orientalism and prejudice contribute to hate crimes against these groups?

This is what I came up with.

Characteristics of Orientalism are false beliefs that stem from narrow mindedness and undereducated opinions of people that are discriminating against peoples from the East. There is the thought that those from the East are undereducated, inferior, and like heathens just because their belief systems are different than those that are doing the judging. Back in the time of the missionaries, Orientalists held the opinion that anyone from a different religious background was spiritually doomed. These beliefs have perpetuated the prejudice against the East that can still be found today.

First -- please check these definitions of orientalism.


As you can see -- orientalism has something to do with the Orient -- eastern lands. In the U.S., we usually associate the Orient with eastern Asia. In Europe, the Orient sometimes is associated with all of Asia.

In my experience, hate crimes and prejudice due to orientalism are rare. People with eastern Asian physical characteristics (Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, etc.) are well accepted in most U.S. communities. The stereotype of these people is of very hard-working, intelligent, and peaceful people.

Please check this site for more information.


I thank you very much for your time.

Thanks very much for your time.:) Both of these answers helped me a whole bunch.

you're welcome. I took that class last block.

Orientalism refers to the portrayal and representation of people and cultures from the East, particularly Asia, in a stereotypical and often biased manner. It is important to understand the meaning and significance of Orientalism as it can have implications on how these groups are perceived and treated in society.

To list two to three characteristics of Orientalism, we can refer to the link provided, which gives a definition of Orientalism from dictionary.reference.com. This definition states that it is a discourse, style, or way of thinking that portrays Eastern cultures as exotic, primitive, and inferior to Western cultures. Another characteristic of Orientalism is the tendency to essentialize and homogenize diverse Eastern cultures into a single, monolithic entity. Additionally, Orientalism often involves the objectification and othering of Eastern peoples, viewing them as exotic and different from the "norm" established by the West.

In terms of how Orientalism and prejudice can contribute to hate crimes against these groups, it is important to note that hate crimes are rare in the case of individuals with Eastern Asian physical characteristics in the US. However, it is still important to discuss how these stereotypes and biases perpetuated by Orientalism can fuel prejudiced attitudes and actions.

By portraying Eastern cultures as inferior and exotic, Orientalism creates a sense of "us versus them" mentality, reinforcing stereotypes and prejudices. This can lead to the dehumanization and scapegoating of individuals from these cultures, making them more vulnerable to discriminatory acts and hate crimes.

It is crucial to challenge and debunk Orientalist perspectives by promoting understanding, cultural exchange, and recognizing the diversity within Eastern cultures. This way, we can combat prejudice and contribute to a more inclusive and accepting society.