I am writing my answer and my teacher wants me to give an example of parasitism and write a sentence explaining my answer. Is this a good answer also should I keep the semicolon or change it.

Sentence: Wolves and deer; The deer are hunted and killed by the wolves in order for the wolves to live.

Wolves and deer are not examples of parasitism. They are examples of a predator-prey relationship.


Is this better?

Tick and dog; The tick bites the dog for some of the dogs blood to survive off of, when the tick does this the dog not only looses blood but also has a chance of getting Lyme disease.

You need a colon after Tick and dog.

Dog's needs the apostrophe.

Eliminate these words: to survive off of.

Break your sentence into two complete sentences.

Use a comma before but.

Thanks Ms. Sue :)

You're welcome.

Your answer provides an example of parasitism, as it describes the relationship between wolves and deer. In this case, the wolves act as the parasites, while the deer are the hosts. The wolves prey on the deer, hunting and killing them in order to satisfy their need for food and survival.

As for the semicolon, it is inappropriate in this context. Semicolons are mainly used to join two independent clauses that are closely related in meaning. In your sentence, "Wolves and deer" functions as the subject, and "The deer are hunted and killed by the wolves in order for the wolves to live" serves as the complete predicate. Therefore, a comma or a colon would be more suitable punctuation marks to separate the example from the explanation. Here's how your revised sentence could look:

"Wolves and deer: The deer are hunted and killed by the wolves in order for the wolves to live."