Lucy has 40 bean plants, 32 tomato plants, and 16 pepper plants. she wants to put the plant in rows with only one type of plant in each row. All rows will have the same number of plants. How many plants can Lucy put in each row

1 2 4 or 8

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What if Lucy has 64 bean plants instead of 40 bean plants? Many plants can Lucy put in each row?


Will be in each row

To find out how many plants Lucy can put in each row, we need to determine the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the three numbers: 40, 32, and 16.

First, let's find the prime factorization of each number:
- 40 = 2^3 * 5
- 32 = 2^5
- 16 = 2^4

Next, we identify the common factors:
- The common factor is 2^3 = 8.

Since all the plants need to be in rows with the same number of plants, Lucy can put 8 plants in each row.

Lucy has 48 bean plants, 32 tomato plants, and 16 pepper plants. She wants to put the plants in rows with only one type of plant in each row. All rows will have the same number of plants.

How many plants can Lucy put in each row?

Lucy can put
, or
plants in each row.

What is the greatest common factor of these three numbers?