How would you write the equation to represent "Nitrogen and Oxygen react to form Nitrogen Dioxide".

Would the UNBALANCED version be

N2 + O2 -> NO2 ??

Yes and the balanced version is

N2 + 2O2 ==> 2NO2

To write the equation for the reaction between nitrogen and oxygen to form nitrogen dioxide, you need to understand the chemical symbols and formulas of each element involved.

1. Identify the elements: Nitrogen (N) and Oxygen (O).
2. Determine their combining ratios based on their valence numbers: Nitrogen has a valence of 3, while Oxygen has a valence of 2.
3. Determine the product: Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2).

Now, let's form the equation step by step:

1. Start with the reactants: Nitrogen (N) and Oxygen (O).
2. Assign subscripts to indicate the combining ratio: Since nitrogen has a valence of 3 and oxygen has a valence of 2, the subscripts will be N2 and O2.
3. Write the arrow to indicate the direction of the reaction: →
4. Write the product: Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2).

Combining these altogether, the equation becomes:

N2 + O2 → 2NO2