I'm having trouble trying to identify which method is best to use for graphing when faced with an equation. Are there certain things that I need to look out for that would indicate if it were best to use the table of values, slope-intercept method, or the mx+b method?

i mean a system of equations

When faced with an equation and trying to decide which method is best for graphing, there are a few factors you can consider. Here's a breakdown of each method and what to look out for:

1. Table of Values:
- This method involves picking specific values for the independent variable (usually denoted as x) and calculating the corresponding values of the dependent variable (usually denoted as y).
- Table of values is a good option when the equation is not in a convenient form for direct graphing, or when you need to plot just a few points to get an idea of the graph.
- Look out for equations where the independent variable is easily substitutable or when the equation is simple to evaluate for given values.

2. Slope-Intercept Method (y = mx + b):
- This method is most suitable when the equation is already in the standard slope-intercept form (y = mx + b), where m represents the slope and b represents the y-intercept.
- Use this method when you can easily identify the slope and y-intercept of the equation.
- Look out for equations that are given in the slope-intercept form or equations that can be rearranged into this form without much difficulty.

3. Point-Slope Method (y - y1 = m(x - x1)):
- This method is useful when you have a specific point on the graph and the corresponding slope.
- Use this method when you have a point (x1, y1) and the slope (m) of the line, and need to graph the equation.
- Look out for equations where a specific point and the slope are given, or equations that can be manipulated to determine a specific point and slope.

In summary, the choice of method depends on the form of the equation and the information provided. If the equation is given in the slope-intercept form, you can use the slope-intercept method. If you have a specific point and the slope, the point-slope method is appropriate. If the equation is not in a convenient form or you only need to plot a few points, the table of values method could be the best option.