thuycydides posited that political situations recur in similar fashion and the study of history is therefore of great value in understanding the present. in reference to aiding in your developing a historical understanding of world history, what do you think this means? HELP

This reminds me of this quotation:

"Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."
The quote is most likely [attributed] to George Santayana...

What do you think it means?

We can understand today's events by studying history. Politics has remained pretty much the same for many years and in many countries.

A prime example is always used about invasion of Russia. Napeoleon was defeated there because of the fierce Russians, the distance, and the cold. Hitler also tried invading Russia and had the same disastrous experience. If he'd heeded Napoleon's example, Hitler would not have tried to invade Russia.

i still don't get it

Thucydides, an ancient Greek historian, believed that the political situations and conflicts that occur in different eras tend to have similar patterns and underlying causes. He argued that studying history provides valuable insights into understanding the present because it allows us to recognize these recurring patterns and learn from past mistakes.

To develop a historical understanding of world history based on Thucydides' idea, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin with a broad survey: Start by familiarizing yourself with the major historical periods, civilizations, and events that shaped world history. This involves reading introductory books, watching documentary series, or taking online courses that provide an overview of world history.

2. Focus on key epochs: Once you have a general understanding of world history, you can delve deeper into specific eras that interest you the most or are relevant to your desired area of knowledge. This could involve studying periods like ancient civilizations (such as Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greco-Roman), medieval times, the Renaissance, the Age of Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, or the 20th century.

3. Analyze historical events: While studying historical events, try to identify common patterns, themes, and recurring factors. Look for similarities in political, social, economic, and cultural contexts. Consider how power struggles, ideological conflicts, economic inequality, or cultural clashes have played out across different time periods and regions.

4. Focus on cause and effect: Pay attention to cause-and-effect relationships in history. Analyze the factors that led to specific events or situations and examine their consequences. By understanding the root causes of historical events, you can identify potential similar patterns in contemporary politics and global affairs.

5. Compare and contrast: Draw connections between historical events and current affairs. Analyze how certain historical situations resemble the present day, while also acknowledging the unique aspects of the modern world. Consider the relevance and lessons that can be learned from past events and their potential impact on contemporary political situations.

6. Explore various perspectives: Remember that history is often presented from different viewpoints, so it's important to consider multiple interpretations and conflicting narratives. This will help you develop a more nuanced understanding of world history and how it can be applied to present-day situations.

By following these steps, you can begin to build a historical understanding of world history that aligns with Thucydides' idea of using the study of history to gain insights into present political situations. Remember to analyze, critically assess, and synthesize information from various sources to form a well-rounded view of historical events and their relevance to the present day.