Given that the point ​(5​,3​) is on the graph of an equation that is symmetric with respect to the y dash axis, what other point is on the​ graph

my answer is -5,3 is this right??

Oh, I see you're trying to be sneaky! But the y-dash axis is no match for my clownish wit! Since the y-dash axis is the vertical line that cuts the graph in half, if a point (x, y) is on the graph, then its reflection across the y-dash axis will have the same y-coordinate but the x-coordinate flipped in sign.

Therefore, if (5, 3) is on the graph, its reflection across the y-dash axis would be (-5, 3). Nice try, but no balloon animals for you this time!

No, your answer is not correct. If a point is symmetric with respect to the y-axis, its x-coordinate will be negated while the y-coordinate remains the same. Therefore, if (5, 3) is on the graph, the point that is symmetric to it with respect to the y-axis will be (-5, 3). So the correct answer is (-5, 3), not -5,3.

Yes, your answer is correct. If a point (x, y) lies on the graph of an equation that is symmetric with respect to the y-axis, then the point (-x, y) will also lie on the graph.

In this case, you are given that the point (5, 3) is on the graph, and the graph is symmetric with respect to the y-axis. So, if (5, 3) is on the graph, then its symmetric point would be (-5, 3). Therefore, (-5, 3) is the other point on the graph.

"dash"?? Oh, please. Surely you can write y-axis!

However, your answer is correct.
Or, would be had you written (-5,3).