Evaluate the expression 8–^2 x 4^0

d.1/64 ****

The answer is clearly 1/64......since 1/8^2*1=1/64..........

I see you retyped your question , (see your previous post of this)

but 8–^2 still makes no sense

Its actually 8^-2, not 8-^2.

To evaluate the expression 8 - 2 x 4^0, follow the order of operations, which is also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction).

1. Start by simplifying the expression inside the parentheses, if any. In this case, there are no parentheses, so we move on to the next step.

2. Evaluate the exponent. In the given expression, there is an exponent of 4^0. Any number (except zero) raised to the power of zero is always equal to 1. So, 4^0 is equal to 1.

3. Next, perform any multiplication or division from left to right. In this case, we have 2 x 1, which equals 2.

4. Lastly, perform any addition or subtraction from left to right. In this case, we have 8 - 2, which equals 6.

Therefore, the value of the expression 8 - 2 x 4^0 is 6.

Since none of the given options matches the value we obtained, it seems there might be a mistake in the question or the available answers.