Tell how you could use a number line to determine which of two number is greater

The number which is greater will be further away from zero.

0.213699213699213... irrational

98.687888981828384855818... irrational

0.004872368777712 rational

0.00000000000000987... irrational

8.23538297642898989... irrational

1) rational...notice the repeating unit 213699

2) correct
3) irrational no repeats
notice the 89 repeating, rational.

If there are any repeating units in the decimal portion, it is rational.

oooo ok tyvm

A number is missing in the tens digit. the number is 51 3 6 what could the tens digit be if the number is divisible by 2? by 4? by 8?

To use a number line to determine which of two numbers is greater, you can follow these steps:

1. Draw a number line. Start by drawing a horizontal line and labeling a point on it as zero.

2. Determine the placement of the first number on the number line. For example, if the first number is 5, plot a point on the line labeled as 5.

3. Similarly, determine the placement of the second number on the number line. For instance, if the second number is 8, plot a point on the line labeled as 8.

4. Compare the positions of the two points on the number line. The number that is located to the right of the other number is greater. In this case, since 8 is to the right of 5 on the number line, 8 is greater than 5.

Using a number line visually helps in understanding the relative positions of numbers and determining their magnitude.