The key to maintaining a strong self-esteem is

A. being able to bounce back quickly from disappointments.
B. not pursuing something once you've failed at it.
C. telling yourself repeatedly that you're better than others.
D. never allowing it to go up or down but remain steady.

Which one of the following actions indicates body language for a lack of interest?

A. Rocking back and forth
B. Slouching
C. Crossing the arms
D. Fiddling with clothing

When you're having a conversation with someone, you should make eye contact with that person _______ percent of the time.

A. 100
B. 50
C. 75
D. 25

Which of the following statements concerning body language is correct?

A. Your body language is limited to your gestures and mannerisms.
B. Your body language is largely unconscious because it consists of ingrained habits.
C. Your body language and verbal communication convey the same message.
D. If your body language and words don't match, listeners will believe your words.

Which one of the following statements reflects proper business etiquette?

A. A man should stand when a visitor enters his office; a woman doesn't have to do this.
B. A woman shouldn't open a door for a man.
C. In an elevator, a man should always let a woman exit first.
D. It's permissible for a woman to pick up something a man drops.

Ashley is taking a course on Internet research skills and one on recordkeeping. Ashley is developing her _______ skills.

A. administrative
B. technical
C. interpersonal
D. communication

Raffi is a victim of self-fulfilling prophecy. What does that mean?

A. He experienced a great deal of stress.
B. He lived up to the negative expectations he imagined earlier.
C. He didn't live by the golden rule.
D. He dressed inappropriately for work.

The term that refers to the way in which you evaluate yourself is

A. echoing.
B. body language.
C. self-esteem.
D. image.

9. Kai Lee is always being kind and considerate to all of her coworkers. This most likely means that she

A. plans to take advantage of them.
B. wants her supervisor to give her a raise.
C. is an insincere person.
D. hopes to be treated the same way

10. What part of the image cycle affects all other parts?

A. Results
B. Attitude
C. Appearance
D. Behavior

11. A person who teaches you, coaches you, and helps you to advance in your career is known as a

A. role model.
B. social contact.
C. supervisor.
D. mentor.

12. What is the best way to respond to a coworker's criticism?

A. Remain silent throughout the criticism.
B. Apologize, regardless of the situation.
C. Point out your coworker's faults.
D. Paraphrase what your coworker is criticizing.

13. You can always be sure of being appropriately dressed if you wear

A. clothes fitting your company's image.
B. better clothes than your supervisor.
C. up-to-date, trendy clothes.
D. expensive, designer clothes.

14. Which one of the following statements about first impressions is true?

A. People judge others on their inner qualities, not on first impressions.
B. First impressions, good or bad, are difficult to change.
C. Most hiring personnel don't make judgments based on first impressions.
D. It takes approximately 30 seconds for a first impression to be made.

15. Which one of the following statements about business etiquette is true?

A. Business etiquette can positively or negatively affect a business's profit.
B. The rules of etiquette are more formal now than they previously were.
C. There's no common standard of behavior for business situations.
D. Business etiquette changes little over time.

16. John is heading for the office dressed in a dress shirt, jeans, and loafers. Harry is headed for the office dressed in slacks, a dress shirt, and loafers. Who is appropriately dressed in business casual?

A. Harry
B. Neither John nor Harry
C. John
D. Both John and Harry

17. How can you give your telephone voice a pleasant sound?

A. Speak somewhat louder than usual.
B. Modulate your voice from low to high.
C. Speak slowly and distinctly.
D. Put a smile on your face.

18. Maria is supposed to have a spreadsheet of office expenses ready for her supervisor by Friday afternoon. However, she realizes on Thursday morning that she is overloaded and won't be able to meet her deadline. What should Maria do?

A. Hope that her supervisor won't notice the spreadsheet isn't finished
B. Explain the situation to her supervisor as soon as possible
C. Submit whatever she has completed
D. See if she can find someone who will do the spreadsheet for her

19. If you work in a typical law office, it's appropriate to wear clothing that's

A. expensive.
B. casual.
C. trendy.
D. conservative.

20. Gina, an office professional, is about to discuss her daily itinerary with her supervisor, Ms. Harris. However, as soon as Gina starts speaking, she notices Ms. Harris step back. Ms. Harris seems to do this whenever Gina is speaking to her. Gina is probably

A. interrupting Ms. Harris too often.
B. using too strong a tone of voice with Ms. Harris.
C. approaching Ms. Harris at a bad time.
D. standing too close to Ms. Harris.

my answer is 1.a 2c 3d 4a 5b 6b 7a 8c 9b 10a 11c 12a 13a 14b 15a 16b 17b 18a 19b 20a

Wrong: 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10

I don't know: 3
Right: 1, 6, 8

I give up!

Hint: Put your answers with the questions. It's very time-consuming to scroll up and down, up and down, up and down to match your answers to the questions. With 20 questions, I won't even attempt it.

The key to maintaining a strong self-esteem is

(A.) being able to bounce back quickly from disappointments.
B. not pursuing something once you've failed at it.
C. telling yourself repeatedly that you're better than others.
D. never allowing it to go up or down but remain steady.

Which one of the following actions indicates body language for a lack of interest?

A. Rocking back and forth
B. Slouching
C). Crossing the arms
D. Fiddling with clothing

When you're having a conversation with someone, you should make eye contact with that person _______ percent of the time.

A. 100
B. 50
C. 75
D.) 25

Which of the following statements concerning body language is correct?

A.) Your body language is limited to your gestures and mannerisms.
B. Your body language is largely unconscious because it consists of ingrained habits.
C. Your body language and verbal communication convey the same message.
D. If your body language and words don't match, listeners will believe your words.

Which one of the following statements reflects proper business etiquette?

A. A man should stand when a visitor enters his office; a woman doesn't have to do this.
B.) A woman shouldn't open a door for a man.
C. In an elevator, a man should always let a woman exit first.
D. It's permissible for a woman to pick up something a man drops.

Ashley is taking a course on Internet research skills and one on recordkeeping. Ashley is developing her _______ skills.

A. administrative
B. )technical
C. interpersonal
D. communication

Raffi is a victim of self-fulfilling prophecy. What does that mean?

A.) He experienced a great deal of stress.
B. He lived up to the negative expectations he imagined earlier.
C. He didn't live by the golden rule.
D. He dressed inappropriately for work.

The term that refers to the way in which you evaluate yourself is

A. echoing.
B. body language.
C. )self-esteem.
D. image.

9. Kai Lee is always being kind and considerate to all of her coworkers. This most likely means that she

A. plans to take advantage of them.
B.) wants her supervisor to give her a raise.
C. is an insincere person.
D. hopes to be treated the same way

10. What part of the image cycle affects all other parts?

A.) Results
B. Attitude
C. Appearance
D. Behavior

11. A person who teaches you, coaches you, and helps you to advance in your career is known as a

A. role model.
B. social contact.
C.) supervisor.
D. mentor.

12. What is the best way to respond to a coworker's criticism?

A.) Remain silent throughout the criticism.
B. Apologize, regardless of the situation.
C. Point out your coworker's faults.
D. Paraphrase what your coworker is criticizing.

13. You can always be sure of being appropriately dressed if you wear

A.) clothes fitting your company's image.
B. better clothes than your supervisor.
C. up-to-date, trendy clothes.
D. expensive, designer clothes.

14. Which one of the following statements about first impressions is true?

A. People judge others on their inner qualities, not on first impressions.
B.) First impressions, good or bad, are difficult to change.
C. Most hiring personnel don't make judgments based on first impressions.
D. It takes approximately 30 seconds for a first impression to be made.

15. Which one of the following statements about business etiquette is true?

A.) Business etiquette can positively or negatively affect a business's profit.
B. The rules of etiquette are more formal now than they previously were.
C. There's no common standard of behavior for business situations.
D. Business etiquette changes little over time.

16. John is heading for the office dressed in a dress shirt, jeans, and loafers. Harry is headed for the office dressed in slacks, a dress shirt, and loafers. Who is appropriately dressed in business casual?

A. Harry
B.)Neither John nor Harry
C. John
D. Both John and Harry

17. How can you give your telephone voice a pleasant sound?

A. Speak somewhat louder than usual.
B.)Modulate your voice from low to high.
C. Speak slowly and distinctly.
D. Put a smile on your face.

18. Maria is supposed to have a spreadsheet of office expenses ready for her supervisor by Friday afternoon. However, she realizes on Thursday morning that she is overloaded and won't be able to meet her deadline. What should Maria do?

A.) Hope that her supervisor won't notice the spreadsheet isn't finished
B. Explain the situation to her supervisor as soon as possible
C. Submit whatever she has completed
D. See if she can find someone who will do the spreadsheet for her

19. If you work in a typical law office, it's appropriate to wear clothing that's

A. expensive.
B.) casual.
C. trendy.
D. conservative.

20. Gina, an office professional, is about to discuss her daily itinerary with her supervisor, Ms. Harris. However, as soon as Gina starts speaking, she notices Ms. Harris step back. Ms. Harris seems to do this whenever Gina is speaking to her. Gina is probably

A.) interrupting Ms. Harris too often.
B. using too strong a tone of voice with Ms. Harris.
C. approaching Ms. Harris at a bad time.
D. standing too close to Ms. Harris.

here it is REED

c b

c b
c a

Let's go through each question and I will explain how to get the answers.

1. The question is asking about the key to maintaining a strong self-esteem. To answer this question, you would need to understand what contributes to a strong self-esteem. The correct answer is A, being able to bounce back quickly from disappointments. This means that even when faced with setbacks or failures, having the ability to recover and not let it impact your self-worth is crucial for maintaining a strong self-esteem.

2. The question is asking about body language that indicates a lack of interest. To answer this question, you need to understand common body language cues. The correct answer is B, slouching. Slouching typically indicates a lack of engagement or interest in the conversation or activity at hand.

3. The question is asking about the recommended amount of eye contact during a conversation. To answer this question, you should know the general guidelines for maintaining appropriate eye contact. The correct answer is C, 75 percent. This means that during a conversation, it is ideal to maintain eye contact with the person you are speaking to about 75 percent of the time.

4. The question is asking about body language. To answer this question, you need to understand the different aspects of body language and their significance. The correct answer is D, if your body language and words don't match, listeners will believe your words. This means that if your verbal communication and body language convey conflicting messages, people are more likely to trust and believe your body language over your words.

5. The question is asking about proper business etiquette. To answer this question, you need to understand appropriate behavior in a business setting. The correct answer is D, it's permissible for a woman to pick up something a man drops. This demonstrates politeness and consideration in a professional setting.

6. The question is asking about Ashley's skills based on the courses she is taking. To answer this question, you need to understand what each course entails. The correct answer is A, administrative skills. Taking a course on Internet research and recordkeeping suggests that Ashley is developing skills related to organizing and managing administrative tasks.

7. The question is asking about the concept of self-fulfilling prophecy. To answer this question, you need to understand what self-fulfilling prophecy means. The correct answer is B, he lived up to the negative expectations he imagined earlier. Self-fulfilling prophecy refers to a situation where a person's own beliefs or expectations influence their behavior, leading them to fulfill those expectations, whether positive or negative.

8. The question is asking about the term that refers to the evaluation of oneself. To answer this question, you need to understand the concept being described. The correct answer is C, self-esteem. Self-esteem refers to how a person perceives and evaluates themselves.

9. The question is asking about Kai Lee's behavior towards her coworkers. To answer this question, you need to understand the implications of her actions. The correct answer is D, she hopes to be treated the same way. By being kind and considerate to her coworkers, it is likely that Kai Lee wants to receive similar treatment in return.

10. The question is asking about the part of the image cycle that affects all other parts. To answer this question, you need to understand how the different parts of the image cycle are interconnected. The correct answer is B, attitude. A person's attitude can greatly influence their appearance, behavior, and the results they achieve.

11. The question is asking about the person who helps advance someone's career. To answer this question, you need to understand the role being described. The correct answer is D, mentor. A mentor is someone who guides and supports another person's professional development, providing advice and assistance to help them advance in their career.

12. The question is asking about the best way to respond to coworker criticism. To answer this question, you need to understand effective communication and conflict resolution strategies. The correct answer is D, paraphrase what your coworker is criticizing. Paraphrasing shows active listening and understanding, allowing for open communication and clarification of concerns.

13. The question is asking about appropriate dress in a specific work environment. To answer this question, you need to understand the general guidelines for professional dressing. The correct answer is A, clothes fitting your company's image. It is important to dress according to the expected standards and image of your workplace.

14. The question is asking about first impressions. To answer this question, you need to understand the impact of first impressions and how they are formed. The correct answer is B, first impressions, good or bad, are difficult to change. The initial impression formed about a person tends to stick, and it can be challenging to alter those perceptions once they are established.

15. The question is asking about business etiquette. To answer this question, you need to understand the general principles of business etiquette. The correct answer is A, business etiquette can positively or negatively affect a business's profit. How a business conducts itself and interacts with clients, customers, and employees can have a direct impact on its profitability.

16. The question is asking about appropriate business casual attire. To answer this question, you need to understand the guidelines for dressing in a business casual environment. The correct answer is B, neither John nor Harry. Both John and Harry are not appropriately dressed for a business casual setting as jeans are typically not considered appropriate attire.

17. The question is asking about giving your telephone voice a pleasant sound. To answer this question, you need to understand techniques for effective telephone communication. The correct answer is D, put a smile on your face. Putting a smile on your face while speaking on the phone can help to project a more positive and pleasant tone of voice.

18. The question is asking about the appropriate course of action when faced with a deadline issue. To answer this question, you need to understand how to handle situations where a deadline might not be met. The correct answer is B, explain the situation to her supervisor as soon as possible. Communicating with the supervisor about the issue and discussing potential solutions is the most appropriate course of action.

19. The question is asking about appropriate clothing in a typical law office setting. To answer this question, you need to understand the expected dress code in a law office. The correct answer is D, conservative. Typically, a conservative dress style is more appropriate in a professional setting such as a law office.

20. The question is asking about a possible reason for Ms. Harris stepping back when Gina speaks. To answer this question, you need to understand potential reasons for the behavior described. The correct answer is D, standing too close to Ms. Harris. Standing too close to someone can invade their personal space, leading them to step back in discomfort or to create a physical distance.