emily recipe calls for 5 parts pineapple juice to 3 parts orange sherbert. james calls for 8parts pineapple to 6 parts orange sherbert.

What is your question?

To determine the difference in the ratios between Emily's and James' recipes, we need to compare the ratio of pineapple juice to orange sherbet in each recipe.

First, let's calculate the ratio for Emily's recipe:
Emily's recipe calls for 5 parts pineapple juice to 3 parts orange sherbet.

Now, let's calculate the ratio for James' recipe:
James' recipe calls for 8 parts pineapple juice to 6 parts orange sherbet.

To find the difference in the ratios, we need to subtract the numerator and denominator of the first ratio from the second ratio:

Pineapple juice difference: 8 - 5 = 3
Orange sherbet difference: 6 - 3 = 3

Therefore, the difference in the ratios between Emily's and James' recipes is that James' recipe has 3 parts more pineapple juice and 3 parts more orange sherbet compared to Emily's recipe.