1. The climate along the equator in Africa is ____.

A. hot and dry
B. hot and wet**
C. wet and dry
D. cold and dry

2. What is one way that people have changed the environment in parts of West and Central Africa?

A. They have made all land arable.
B. They have cut down trees faster than they can grow back.
C. They do not use any land for farming.**
D. They use all of the land for mining mineral deposits.

1 is correct, 2 is not

Oh yeah, B?

yes, true. It's B

To answer question 1, you need to have an understanding of the climate patterns around the equator. The equator generally experiences a tropical climate characterized by high temperatures and humidity. Given this information, the correct answer is B. hot and wet.

To answer question 2, you need to consider the human impact on the environment in parts of West and Central Africa. The most significant way people have changed the environment in these regions is by deforestation, which involves cutting down trees faster than they can grow back. This leads to the loss of natural habitats and contributes to climate change. Consequently, the correct answer is B. They have cut down trees faster than they can grow back.

ur mom is the answer