What are the steps to show the quotient in simplest form?


To show the quotient in simplest form, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the division expression:
0.000027 / 0.000009.

Step 2: Count the number of decimal places in both the dividend (0.000027) and the divisor (0.000009). In this case, both numbers have 6 decimal places.

Step 3: Multiply both the dividend and the divisor by 10^(the number of decimal places in the divisor) to make the divisor a whole number. In this case, multiply both numbers by 10^6 since both have 6 decimal places.

0.000027 * 10^6 / 0.000009 * 10^6

This simplifies to:
27 / 0.009.

Step 4: Divide the two numbers:
27 / 0.009 = 3000.

So, the quotient is 3000.

Therefore, the simplest form of 0.000027/0.000009 is 3000.

Multiply both by 1,000,000.

27/9 = 3