I only need y'all to check my responses. Thanks in advance!

Is (0,3) a solution to the equation y=x+3

Yes**My choice

Is (1,-4) a solution to the equation y=-2x

No**My choice

I agree with your answers

Okay thanks! Hope I get 'em right!

Umm quick question Motionlessinwhite, when they say 0,3 does it mean that 0 is x and that 3 is y? Because in that case it would give more sense to me.

Nevermind found out that x is 0 and y is 3! Thanks bruh! Or broette. . . .

To check if a given point is a solution to an equation, you need to substitute the values of the coordinates into the equation and see if they satisfy the equation.

For the first question, you have the equation y = x + 3 and the point (0, 3). To check if (0, 3) is a solution, substitute the x-coordinate (0) and the y-coordinate (3) into the equation:

y = x + 3
3 = 0 + 3
3 = 3

Since the equation is true, (0, 3) is a solution to the equation y = x + 3.

For the second question, you have the equation y = -2x and the point (1, -4). To check if (1, -4) is a solution, substitute the x-coordinate (1) and the y-coordinate (-4) into the equation:

y = -2x
-4 = -2(1)
-4 = -2

Since the equation is not true, (-4, 1) is not a solution to the equation y = -2x.

So, your choices are:

1. Yes, (0, 3) is a solution to the equation y = x + 3. (Correct)
2. No, (1, -4) is not a solution to the equation y = -2x. (Correct)