The 3 Letter code that summaries your 3 strongest career types is called your?

B.)Myers-Briggs Type
C.)Teamwork Profile
D.)Beblin Code

The correct answer is A) Holland-Code.

To determine your strongest career types using the Holland-Code, you need to go through a process called the Holland Code Career Test. Here's how you can do it:

1. Find a Holland Code Career Test: Many online platforms offer free Holland Code Career tests. You can search for "Holland Code Career Test" in a search engine, and you will find various options to choose from.
2. Take the Test: Click on one of the tests and begin answering the questions. These questions are designed to assess your preferences and interests in various work-related activities.
3. Assess the Results: Once you have completed the test, your responses will be analyzed, and you will be provided with a three-letter code that represents your strongest career types. For example, the codes could be "EAS" if you are inclined towards Enterprising, Artistic, and Social career types.
4. Interpret the Holland Code: The three letters in the Holland Code represent the six primary career types identified by psychologist John L. Holland. These career types are Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. By understanding your Holland code, you can gain insights into the types of careers that align with your interests and strengths.

Remember that the Holland Code is just one tool to help you explore and identify potential career paths. It's important to consider other factors such as skills, values, and personal goals when making career decisions.