describe 3 achievements of ancient egyptians in the arts or learning

The ancient Egyptians made significant achievements in both the arts and learning. Here are three notable accomplishments:

1. Architecture: One of the most enduring achievements of the ancient Egyptians is their architectural marvel of building pyramids. The Great Pyramids of Giza, constructed as tombs for pharaohs, showcase their advanced knowledge of engineering and mathematics. To understand how they built pyramids, you can refer to historical records, archaeological findings, and studies by Egyptologists and scholars specializing in ancient Egyptian architecture.

2. Hieroglyphic Writing: The ancient Egyptians developed one of the earliest known writing systems called hieroglyphs. These intricate symbols were used to record not only religious and historical information but also mundane details of everyday life. The discovery of the Rosetta Stone in 1799, which contained inscriptions in both hieroglyphs and Greek, was crucial in deciphering this ancient script. By referencing available translations and analyses provided by Egyptologists and linguists, you can explore the complexities of hieroglyphic writing.

3. Medical Knowledge: Ancient Egyptians were pioneers in various medical practices. They had an understanding of anatomy and performed surgical procedures such as mummification and trepanation (a surgical procedure to remove a section of the skull). The Edwin Smith Papyrus, dating back to around 1600 BCE, is one of the oldest medical texts and provides valuable insights into their medical knowledge and practices. By studying interpretations and scholarly works on ancient Egyptian medicine, you can gain a deeper understanding of their achievements in this field.

To explore these accomplishments of the ancient Egyptians further, you can refer to reputable books, academic articles, museum exhibits, and educational websites on ancient Egypt. These sources will provide in-depth explanations and further details on how these achievements were discovered and understood.