
How do I multiply these number

(1). (-3)^3-(-8)(-2)

(2). -9^2-(-6)^2

Use the order of Operations to decide what to do first.

1. Do what is inside Parenthesis or brackets
2. Do exponents
3. Do multiplication and division
4. Do addition and subtractions

Problem 1:
Do the exponents first
(-3)^3= (-3)X(-3)X(-3)=?

Then do the multiplication (-8)X(-2)=?

Then subtract your answers

Problem 2
Do the exponents first
then subtract

Use order of operations (Bedmas)

(1). (-3)^3-(-8)(-2)
first, do the exponents which is (-3)^3 which equals -27
then multiply (-8)(-2) which is 16
the new equation now is:

(2). -9^2-(-6)^2
first do you exponents, -9^2=-81
then (-6)^2 is 36.
the new equation now is:

or if you have a calculator, just punch the equation in.


Thanks TN and Don

To multiply numbers, you need to follow the mathematical order of operations, which is also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, and Addition and Subtraction from left to right). Let's solve the given multiplication problems step by step.

(1) (-3)^3 - (-8)(-2):

1. First, evaluate the exponent (-3)^3 by multiplying (-3) three times:
(-3)^3 = (-3) * (-3) * (-3) = -27

2. Next, calculate the product of (-8)(-2):
(-8)(-2) = 16

3. Finally, subtract the value obtained in step 2 from the value obtained in step 1:
-27 - 16 = -43

Therefore, the result of the expression is -43.

(2) -9^2 - (-6)^2:

1. First, evaluate the exponent -9^2 by squaring (-9):
-9^2 = -9 * -9 = 81

2. Next, calculate the square of (-6):
(-6)^2 = -6 * -6 = 36

3. Finally, subtract the value obtained in step 2 from the value obtained in step 1:
81 - 36 = 45

Therefore, the result of the expression is 45.