Please help: Observations can lead to hypotheses. Hypotheses can lead to new experimentation. Which best describes an observation and hypothesis that might lead to new experimentation?

A. Dr. Sattler discovers a new plant that grows near underwater volcanoes. She thinks the plant can only grow in water with high temperatures.
B. Dr. Grant is studying bird songs. He has identified the mating and non-mating songs.
C. Dr. Malcolm has finished an investigation on hurricanes. He concludes hurricanes are stronger and more frequent than before.
D. Dr. Crowe is writing a paper on Alzheimer’s disease. To do so she interviews several experts in the field.

The best option that describes an observation and hypothesis that might lead to new experimentation is option A.

In this scenario, Dr. Sattler discovers a new plant that grows near underwater volcanoes. She makes the observation that the plant is found in a specific environment. Based on this observation, she forms a hypothesis that the plant can only grow in water with high temperatures.

This hypothesis suggests a cause-and-effect relationship between the plant's growth and high temperatures. To test this hypothesis, Dr. Sattler can conduct new experiments by manipulating the temperature of the water in which the plant is grown. By conducting controlled experiments with different temperature conditions, she can determine if high temperatures are indeed necessary for the plant's growth.

These experiments will provide additional evidence to either support or refute her hypothesis, leading to a deeper understanding of the plant's requirements.