A seamstress is designing a triangular flag so that the length of the base of the triangle, in inches, is 7 less than twice the height h. Express the area of the flag as a function of the height.

I have figured out the area, but i'm not sure what the question means when it says "express the area of the flag as a function of the height"?

since you have no final numbers to work with, it means that your final formula will involve "h" standing for the height.

See the problem solved at


When you say you figured out the area, what did you do?

For figuring out the area since a=hb/2 and the b=2h-7 I got a = h(2h-7)/2

I'm still unsure of what you mean though with the formula having "h" stand for the height... do I just solve for h then to get the height?

When the question asks you to express the area of the flag as a function of the height, you are being asked to write an equation that relates the area of the flag to its height using mathematical notation.

To find the area of a triangle, you can use the formula:

Area = (1/2) * base * height

In this case, the length of the base of the triangular flag is given as 7 less than twice the height, which can be written as:

base = 2h - 7

Now, let's substitute this expression for the base into the area formula:

Area = (1/2) * (2h - 7) * h

Simplifying further:

Area = (h * (2h - 7))/2

This equation represents the area of the flag as a function of its height. The 'h' in the equation is the height of the flag. You can plug in different values for 'h' to find the corresponding area of the flag. For example, if the height of the flag is 5 inches, you can replace 'h' with 5 in the equation to calculate the area.