What is the sum of 5/6+2/3?

A)1 1/3
B)1 1/2
C)1 2/3
D)1 3/4

(5/6) + (4/6) = ?

Add the numerators.

1 1/2?


To find the sum of 5/6 + 2/3, you need to find a common denominator for the fractions. In this case, the denominators are already the same, so you can simply add the numerators together and keep the denominator the same.

To add the numerators, you add 5 and 2, which gives you 7. So, the sum is 7/6.

However, the options given are in mixed fraction form (a whole number and a fraction), so we need to convert 7/6 into a mixed fraction.

To do this, divide the numerator (7) by the denominator (6). The quotient is 1 with a remainder of 1. So, the mixed fraction is 1 1/6.

None of the given options matches 1 1/6 exactly, so none of them are correct.

Therefore, the correct answer is not provided in the options.