Write a paragraph telling how each excerpt below reflects U.S. values and the conflicts between ideals and reality.

What excerpts? I don't see any.

I forgot to include my URL's, sorry. (Use website prntscr dot com)


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In general, without seeing these "excerpts", it's up to you to write a short essay on how YOU think the excerpts reflect values. We can offer guidance on how to do that, but only you can write about YOUR ideas.

To examine how each of the given excerpts reflects U.S. values and highlights conflicts between ideals and reality, one must carefully analyze the context and underlying messages conveyed. First, in the excerpt highlighting the principle of equality, it exemplifies the American value of equal opportunity and treatment for all citizens. However, the reality is often characterized by various inequalities based on factors such as race, gender, and socioeconomic status. Next, the excerpt emphasizing freedom of speech and expression embodies the cherished American value of individual liberties. Yet, conflicts arise when such freedoms clash with societal expectations, leading to debates about hate speech and its limits. Furthermore, the excerpt presenting the pursuit of happiness epitomizes the American dream of personal fulfillment and success. However, the reality can be marked by economic disparities and social obstacles that impede the realization of equal opportunities. Ultimately, by scrutinizing the intersection between these excerpts and American values, one gains insight into the ongoing conflicts between ideals and reality in the United States.