What are the important variables in the problem below?

A test is worth 50 points. Multiple-choice questions are worth 1 point, and short-answer questions are worth 3 points. If the test has 20 questions, how many multiple-choice questions are there?

To determine the number of multiple-choice questions on the test, we first need to identify the relevant variables in the problem:

1. Total test points: The test is worth 50 points.
2. Point value for multiple-choice questions: Multiple-choice questions are worth 1 point each.
3. Point value for short-answer questions: Short-answer questions are worth 3 points each.
4. Total number of questions on the test: The test has 20 questions.

With these variables identified, we can now proceed to solve the problem.

To solve this problem, we need to identify the important variables involved.

In this problem, the following variables are important:

1. Total test points: The test is worth 50 points.
2. Points per multiple-choice question: Each multiple-choice question is worth 1 point.
3. Points per short-answer question: Each short-answer question is worth 3 points.
4. Total number of questions: The test has 20 questions.
5. Number of multiple-choice questions: We need to find this value.

Now that we have identified the important variables, we can proceed to solve the problem by using the given information and formulas.

multi-choice --- x

shorts - ----- 20-x

x + 3(20-x) = 50
carry 0n