A shopper uses a department store gift card to pay for 3 sweaters priced at $27 each. What integer can be used to show the amount of change?


What is the value of the gift card?

To find the total cost of the 3 sweaters, we multiply the price of each sweater by the number of sweaters:

3 sweaters * $27/sweater = $<<3*27=81>>81

Since the shopper used a gift card to pay for the sweaters, the amount of change will be the difference between the total cost and the value of the gift card. In this case:

Change = Total Cost - Gift Card Value

However, we don't know the value of the gift card. To determine the integer that can represent the amount of change, we need to know the value of the gift card.

To find the amount of change, we first need to determine the total cost of the 3 sweaters. Each sweater is priced at $27, so we can multiply this amount by the number of sweaters to find the total cost.

Total cost of 3 sweaters = 3 x $27 = $81.

Next, we need to determine the value of the department store gift card. Since the shopper is using the gift card to pay for the sweaters, we can assume that the gift card covers the total cost of the sweaters. Therefore, the value of the gift card is $81.

To find the amount of change, we subtract the total cost of the sweaters from the value of the gift card.
Change = Value of gift card - Total cost of the sweaters
Change = $81 - $81
Change = $0.

Therefore, the integer that can be used to show the amount of change is 0, as there is no change left after using the gift card to pay for the sweaters.