hello there! i wanted to check my answer.

is: 2(x-y) / (radical x- radical y) = 2 radical x + 2 radical y?

thanks so much for your help!

you are correct.

Hello! To check if the given expression is equal to 2√x + 2√y, we need to simplify the left side of the equation and see if it matches the right side.

Let's start by simplifying the expression 2(x-y) / (√x - √y):

Step 1: Distribute the 2 to both (x-y) and (√x - √y):
2*(x-y) = 2x - 2y
2*(√x - √y) = 2√x - 2√y

Step 2: Substitute the simplified expressions back into the original equation:
(2x - 2y) / (√x - √y) = 2√x + 2√y

Now, let's compare the left and right sides of the equation:

Left side: (2x - 2y) / (√x - √y)
Right side: 2√x + 2√y

The left side cannot be further simplified since there is no common factor to factor out from the numerator and denominator. However, the right side can be simplified further by factoring out a 2:

Right side: 2(√x + √y)

As you can see, the left side, (2x - 2y) / (√x - √y), is not equal to the right side, 2(√x + √y).

Therefore, the given expression 2(x-y) / (√x - √y) is not equal to 2√x + 2√y.

Always remember to simplify both sides of the equation before comparing them to check for equality.