A system is a group of connected parts that work together as one to produce a particular result. Let’s say that you go to the Smoothie station and get a banana strawberry smoothie. Describe the main parts of this system- input, process, and output.


Plzzz help I really don't know this

Sure! I'll be happy to help you understand the main parts of the system for a banana strawberry smoothie.

The input is what goes into the system to be processed. In this case, the inputs for a banana strawberry smoothie would include the following:

1. Bananas: These are one of the main ingredients of the smoothie, providing both flavor and texture.
2. Strawberries: Another key ingredient, strawberries contribute to the fruity taste and add a vibrant color to the smoothie.
3. Liquid base: This can be water, milk, yogurt, or juice, depending on personal preference. The liquid serves as a base for blending the fruits together.

The process refers to the actions or steps taken to transform the inputs into the desired output. For a banana strawberry smoothie, the process typically involves the following:

1. Preparation: The bananas and strawberries are cleaned, peeled, and cut into smaller pieces to facilitate blending.
2. Blending: The fruits are added to a blender along with the liquid base. The blender is then turned on to blend the ingredients together until they become smooth and well-mixed.
3. Optional Steps: Some recipes might include additional steps such as adding sweeteners, ice, or other flavorings.

The output is the result or the end product of the system. In the case of a banana strawberry smoothie, the output would be:

A delicious and refreshing smoothie with a thick and creamy consistency. It should have a fruity flavor that is a combination of the sweetness from the banana and the tanginess from the strawberries.

Remember, these are the general parts of the system for a banana strawberry smoothie, and they can vary based on personal preferences, recipes, or specific instructions.

as they say, one measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions.

Go to a malt shop and order a smoothie. Watch what they do.

or, remember that google is your friend.