Investigate the official language movement(an important Hispanic American cultural interest) describe on pp. 243-44 of the text by researching bilingualism in education and politics in the United States. Find 4 to 6 credible Web sites or articles that support, oppose, or simply present information about bilingualism in education or politics. Most sources will focus exclusively on either topic of education or politics, so try to find at least two sources per topic. Write one paragraph about each aource, summarizing the main points presented.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here are some sites on bilingualism for you to study:

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What are the most significant similarities between the Chinese Americans and Japanese Amaerican cultural experiences?

the official language movement, pp.24-244 of the text by researching biligualism in education and politics in the U.S. Find four to six credible web sites or articles that support, opporse, more present information about biligualism in education of polictics

opposing viewpoints on bilingualism in politics and education 2010- in the google search helped me find a site thatsupplied numerous links for my research.

To answer this question, you can start by looking for credible sources that discuss the cultural experiences of Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans. Here are a few sources that you can use:

1. "Chinese American and Japanese American Culture: A Comparative Analysis" - This article compares the cultural experiences of Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans, highlighting the similarities and differences. It discusses aspects such as language, traditions, family values, and historical experiences.

2. "The Asian American Experience: Chinese and Japanese Americans" - This website provides an overview of the cultural experiences of Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans. It explores their immigration history, community dynamics, cultural practices, and contributions to American society.

3. "Chinese American and Japanese American Identity Formation" - This scholarly article explores the processes of identity formation in Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans. It analyzes how factors such as immigration, racial discrimination, and cultural preservation shape their experiences and sense of identity.

4. "Cultural Similarities between Chinese and Japanese Americans" - This blog post identifies and discusses the cultural similarities between Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans. It explores areas such as food, religion, art, and cultural celebrations, highlighting shared cultural elements.

By examining these sources and analyzing the main points presented in each, you will be able to identify the significant similarities between the cultural experiences of Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans. Make sure to read the articles carefully and take notes to help you summarize the main points accurately.