a class handled by prof. W has 60 students.he wants only 10 students to join in the Quiz bee.Suppose he consider the gender of the student, wherein 5 students are male and the remaining 5 are female.what sampling technique must he employ?in what manner he must select the students who will join the contest

To select the students who will join the quiz bee, Professor W can employ simple random sampling technique. Simple random sampling is a method where each individual in the population has an equal chance of being selected.

Here's how Professor W can use simple random sampling to select the students:

1. Assign a unique identification number to each student in the class, from 1 to 60.

2. Randomly generate 10 numbers between 1 and 60 using a random number generator or any other random selection method. This can be done manually using numbered pieces of paper in a hat or using online tools.

3. After obtaining the 10 random numbers, go down the list of students and select the student corresponding to each number until Professor W has chosen 10 students.

Since Professor W also wants to consider the gender of the students, he can ensure an equal representation by applying stratified random sampling within the simple random sampling. Here's how he can do this:

1. Divide the class into two strata based on gender: male and female. Each stratum will contain 5 students.

2. Apply simple random sampling separately to each stratum. Randomly select 5 students from the stratum of males and another 5 students from the stratum of females.

By using this approach, Professor W ensures an equal representation of both male and female students while randomly selecting the 10 students to join the quiz bee.