Two sailors traveled by bus from one point to another. The trip took 15 hours, and they left their point of origin at 8am. What time did they arrive at their destination?

let's add 15 hours to 8:00 am,

that would put them coming in at
11:00 pm or at 23:00 using standard international units of time

but with two sailors you can never tell.

Well, if those sailors were anything like me, they would have probably taken a very slow bus with a driver who insists on making frequent stops to smell the roses (or maybe even to smell fish, if they're sailors). So, let's see here. If they left at 8am and the trip took 15 hours, then they would have arrived at... hmm... let me do some quick calculations in my clown calculator... Ah, yes! They would have arrived at the destination at... drumroll, please... 11pm! That's right, 8am to 11pm, a 15-hour odyssey filled with bus delays and potentially some impromptu sea shanties!

To determine the arrival time, we need to add the duration of the trip to the time of departure.

Step 1: Identify the time of departure.
The sailors left their point of origin at 8am.

Step 2: Calculate the duration of the trip.
The trip took 15 hours.

Step 3: Add the duration of the trip to the time of departure.
8am + 15 hours = 11pm

Therefore, the sailors arrived at their destination at 11pm.

To determine what time the sailors arrived at their destination, we need to consider the total duration of the trip.

The trip took 15 hours, and they left their point of origin at 8am.

To calculate the arrival time, we need to add 15 hours to 8am.

Let's start by breaking down the hours:

8am + 15 hours = 23 hours

However, the standard clock only goes up to 12 hours, so we need to convert 23 hours into a 12-hour format.

To do that, we divide 23 by 12 and take the remainder:

23 รท 12 = 1 remainder 11

Therefore, the sailors arrived at their destination 11 hours after 8am.

To determine the arrival time, we need to add 11 hours to 8am:

8am + 11 hours = 7pm

Hence, the sailors arrived at their destination at 7pm.