A concrete patio is 5 2/3 ft wide. It has an area of 36 5/6 square ft. Is the concrete slab long enough to fit a 7-foot picnic table without placing the table along the diagonal of the patio?

so far i have
221/6 / 34/6 = 221/34 = 6.5 ft
I need to know where the 34/6 come from

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To find out where the value of 34/6 comes from, we need to understand the calculation involved in finding the area of the concrete patio.

Given that the patio has an area of 36 5/6 square feet, we can represent this as a mixed number:

36 5/6 = (36 + 5/6) square feet

To convert the mixed number to an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number (36) by the denominator of the fraction (6) and add the numerator (5) to obtain the numerator of the improper fraction:

36 * 6 + 5 = 216 + 5 = 221

The denominator remains the same:

Denominator = 6

Therefore, the area of the concrete patio can be represented as the improper fraction 221/6 square feet.

To determine if the concrete slab is long enough to fit a 7-foot picnic table without placing the table along the diagonal of the patio, we need to compare the width of the patio to the length required.

Given that the width of the patio is 5 2/3 ft, we can represent this as the mixed number:

5 2/3 = (5 + 2/3) ft

To convert the mixed number to an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number (5) by the denominator of the fraction (3) and add the numerator (2) to obtain the numerator of the improper fraction:

5 * 3 + 2 = 15 + 2 = 17

The denominator remains the same:

Denominator = 3

Therefore, the width of the patio can be represented as the improper fraction 17/3 ft.

To check if the concrete slab is long enough to fit a 7-foot picnic table, we divide the area of the patio by its width:

(221/6) / (17/3)

When dividing fractions, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction:

(221/6) * (3/17) = 663/102

Therefore, the result is 663/102 ft.

Simplifying the fraction, we find that 663 and 102 share a common factor of 3:

(663/3) / (102/3) = 221/34

The resulting fraction is 221/34 ft.

Hence, the value of 34/6 comes from simplifying the resulting fraction obtained when dividing the area of the patio by its width.

I think it is 6 1/4

2/3= 5 ยท 3 + 2/3

= 15 + 2/3 = 17/3

So therefore your Answer is 17/3
Hopes this Helps!! :)

6.5 feet


area = 36 5/6 ft^2 = 221/6 ft^2

width= 5 2/3 ft = 17/3 ft

length = area/width = (221/6) / (17/3)
= (221/6)(3/17) = 13/2 or 6.5 ft

you had that, so clearly it is not long enough to fit the 7 ft table

Don't know why you would use 34/6 instead of the 17/3

Whether the table would fit along the diagonal cannot be answered since we don't know the width of the table.

ii need helpp