Evaluate each of the following expressions.

(1) |-27+14|

(2) |-8|+|3|=|-8+3|

those same two questions were posted several times yesterday, and were answered

(1) |-27+14|
= │-13│
= 13

(2) |-8|+|3|=|-8+3|
This is a false statement

│-8│ + │3│
= 8+3
= 11

1) 13 and -13

2) 5 and -5

I think I could be wrong

To evaluate each of the following expressions, we need to understand the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS. PEMDAS stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).

Expression (1): |-27+14|

In this expression, we have the absolute value of the sum of -27 and 14. To find the sum, we simply subtract -27 from 14:

|-27 + 14| = |-13|

Since -13 is negative, we take the absolute value:

|-13| = 13

Therefore, the value of the expression |-27+14| is 13.

Expression (2): |-8| + |3| = |-8+3|

In this expression, we have the sum of the absolute values of -8 and 3. To find the sum, we add -8 and 3:

|-8| + |3| = |-5|

Since -5 is negative, we take the absolute value:

|-5| = 5

Therefore, the value of the expression |-8| + |3| is 5.