Which of these is a step in constructing an inscribed square using technology?

One possible step in constructing an inscribed square using technology is as follows:

Step 1: Open a geometry software program or application on your computer or mobile device. There are several software options available, such as Geogebra, Sketchpad, or AutoCAD.

Step 2: Create a new project or document in the software, providing a blank canvas to work on.

Step 3: Use the drawing tools within the software to construct a circle. In most software programs, you can find circle-drawing options in the toolbar or menu.

Step 4: Specify the properties of the circle. In this case, you would typically input the center point and the radius. You may need to refer to the problem statement or figure to determine the appropriate values.

Step 5: Add a point on the circumference of the circle using the software's point tool. This point will serve as one vertex of the inscribed square.

Step 6: Draw a line segment from the center of the circle to the chosen point on the circumference. This will create a radius of the circle.

Step 7: Construct a perpendicular bisector of the radius using the tools available in the software. This can usually be done by selecting the line segment and choosing the perpendicular bisector option.

Step 8: Locate the intersection point between the perpendicular bisector and the circumference of the circle. This point will be another vertex of the inscribed square.

Step 9: Draw a line segment connecting the last obtained point on the circumference to the center of the circle. This forms another radius.

Step 10: Repeat steps 7 and 8 to find the fourth vertex of the inscribed square, which will lie along the circle's circumference.

Step 11: Finally, connect the four vertices of the inscribed square to complete the construction.

Note: The exact procedure may vary depending on the software program you are using, but the general steps should remain similar. The key is to utilize the circle-drawing and construction tools available in your chosen software to accurately create the inscribed square.
