Pat worked 43 hours and received $7.25 per hour for regular pay and

time-and-a-half for all hours over 40 hours. What were her weekly

(7.25 * 40) + (1.5 * 7.25 * 3) = ?

To calculate Pat's weekly earnings, we need to determine her regular pay and overtime pay separately.

Regular pay:
Pat worked for 40 hours or less, which means she will be paid $7.25 per hour for each of those hours. To find her regular pay, we multiply the regular hourly rate by the number of regular hours worked.

Regular pay = Hourly rate * Regular hours worked

Regular pay = $7.25 * 40

Regular pay = $290

Overtime pay:
Pat worked 43 hours in total, which is 3 hours over the regular 40 hours. For these overtime hours, Pat will be paid time-and-a-half, which means her hourly rate will be multiplied by 1.5. To find her overtime pay, we multiply the overtime hourly rate by the number of overtime hours worked.

Overtime pay = Hourly rate * Overtime hours worked * Overtime rate

Overtime pay = $7.25 * 3 * 1.5

Overtime pay = $32.63

Total weekly earnings:
Finally, we calculate Pat's total weekly earnings by adding her regular pay and overtime pay.

Total weekly earnings = Regular pay + Overtime pay

Total weekly earnings = $290 + $32.63

Total weekly earnings = $322.63

Therefore, Pat's weekly earnings were $322.63.