what do statistics reveal about the Asian diversity in America? What do you think is the future of Asian diversity in America?

This site has a chart of the country's of origin for our Asian population. (Note that it does not include far western Asia [Middle East].)


What conclusions can you draw about the future of Asian diversity?

To draw conclusions about the future of Asian diversity in America, we can analyze the statistics provided on the chart you mentioned. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Visit the website mentioned, http://www.census.gov/prod/2002pubs/c2kbr01-16.pdf.

2. Scroll through the document to find the chart that contains information on the country of origin for the Asian population in the United States.

3. Examine the data in the chart. Look for trends, patterns, and changes over time. Consider factors such as population growth, immigration rates, and cultural dynamics.

4. Identify the countries with the largest Asian population representation. This can give you an idea of the current demographic makeup.

5. Look for any changes in the representation of different Asian countries over time. This could indicate shifts in immigration patterns or changes in political circumstances.

6. Consider any social, economic, or political factors that may influence the future of Asian diversity in America. For example, changes in immigration policies, globalization, or cultural assimilation could have an impact.

Remember, to draw accurate conclusions, it's important to compare multiple sources, consider different datasets, and take into account the broader social context. The website you provided may offer a starting point, but it's beneficial to consult a range of sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of Asian diversity in America and its future trajectory.