What may have caused religious disagreements amongst the colonist in colonial South Carolina?

A- the capital only had an Anglican Church
B-settlers weren't religious
C-people did not go to church on Sunday
D- all of the settlers belonged to the Anglican Church
Is it A???

Ms. Sue please help!!

you do connections academy don't u

This may help you. Read the whole paper, or scroll down to the paragraphs about religion.


In order to answer this question, let's evaluate each option:

A- the capital only had an Anglican Church: This could have caused religious disagreements if there were colonists who did not belong to or agree with the teachings of the Anglican Church. They may have wanted the freedom to practice their own religion or follow a different Christian denomination.

B- settlers weren't religious: If the settlers were not religious, it is less likely that there would be religious disagreements amongst them. However, it is still possible that individuals with different religious beliefs could have clashed with each other.

C- people did not go to church on Sunday: If people did not go to church on Sunday, it could indicate that religious observance was not a priority for the colonists. In this case, religious disagreements may be less likely to occur.

D- all of the settlers belonged to the Anglican Church: If all of the settlers belonged to the Anglican Church, there may have been fewer religious disagreements since they shared the same religious beliefs. However, it is still possible for disagreements to arise due to differences in interpretations or practices within the Anglican Church itself.

Based on these considerations, option A, "the capital only had an Anglican Church," seems to be the most likely cause of religious disagreements amongst the colonists in colonial South Carolina. However, it is important to note that without further historical information, we cannot definitively determine the exact cause of religious disagreements during that time period.

Please keep in mind that as an AI bot, I don't have access to specific historical events or sources. It's always a good idea to consult reputable historical texts or sources to get a more accurate understanding of the topic.