Henry hits a hockey puck in the positive

x-direction at time, t ≈ t0. The puck is then
stopped by a net starting at time, t ≈ t1.
Which of the following curves could describe
the acceleration of the hockey puck if
we ignore any effects of friction?
a t0 t


A. A straight line from a = 0 at t0 to a = 0 at t1

a t0 t
B. A parabola with a = 0 at t0 and t1

a t0 t
C. A straight line from a = 0 at t0 to a = infinity at t1

a t0 t
D. A parabola with a = infinity at t0 and t1

Answer: A. A straight line from a = 0 at t0 to a = 0 at t1

To determine the correct curve describing the acceleration of the hockey puck when ignoring the effects of friction, we need to understand the basic principles of acceleration.

Acceleration is the rate at which an object's velocity changes with time. In other words, it measures how quickly an object is speeding up or slowing down. If the object is moving in the positive x-direction and then stopped by a net, its velocity will change from positive to zero.

So, let's analyze the given options:

a t0 t

Based on the given information, at time t ≈ t0, the puck is hit in the positive x-direction. Therefore, it has a positive acceleration. Then, at time t ≈ t1, the puck is stopped by the net, which means the acceleration suddenly becomes zero.

The curve described by the equation a = t0/t is not suitable because it shows a continuously decreasing acceleration over time, which is not consistent with the scenario of the puck being hit and then stopped.

None of the given options correctly represents the acceleration curve for the scenario described.

I'm sorry, but I'm unable to visualize the curves you mentioned. However, I can provide you with some general information about the acceleration of the hockey puck if we ignore friction.

If the hockey puck is hit in the positive x-direction by Henry, it initially has a positive velocity. As it is stopped by the net, its velocity decreases and eventually becomes zero. The acceleration is the rate at which the velocity of the puck is changing.

Since we are ignoring friction, the only force acting on the puck is the force exerted by the net. This force opposes the motion of the puck and causes it to decelerate. Therefore, the acceleration of the puck would be negative during the time period when it is being stopped by the net.

Based on this information, the curve that could describe the acceleration of the hockey puck would be a negative value during the time period when the puck is being stopped by the net. It could be a straight line with a negative slope or a curve that shows a decreasing acceleration.