What led to Japan's Isolation

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Does this show what led japan isolation


Japan's period of isolation, known as the Sakoku policy, was initiated in the early 17th century. Several factors contributed to this decision:

1. Threat of European colonization: The Portuguese arrived in Japan in the 16th century, followed by other European powers such as the Dutch, English, and Spanish. Japan saw them as a potential threat to its sovereignty and feared colonization.

2. Conversion to Christianity: The arrival of Christian missionaries created social and political turmoil. Their influence led to conflicts between different factions and challenged the traditional authority of the ruling class, causing instability within the country.

To understand isolation's causes in more detail, you could explore historical sources such as books, articles, or documentaries that cover Japan's history during this period. Some recommended readings are:

- "The Making of Modern Japan" by Marius Jansen
- "Japan Emerging: Premodern History to 1850" by Karl Friday
- "A History of Japan" by Conrad Totman
- "The Cambridge History of Japan" edited by John Whitney Hall

By studying these resources, you can gain an in-depth understanding of Japan's political, social, and cultural dynamics during the time leading up to its isolation.