does any1 know a website that I can find answers to every subject asap?



Study your text materials.

where u find it?,what website

Use the materials provided or recommended by your teacher or school.

While there isn't a single website that can provide answers to every subject instantaneously, there are several platforms you can utilize to find answers quickly. Here are a few options:

1. Search Engines: Popular search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo can be helpful when looking for answers to a wide range of topics. Type your question or keywords into the search bar, and browse through the results to find relevant websites, articles, forums, or tutorials.

2. Online Reference Websites: Websites like Wikipedia, Britannica, and Khan Academy offer a wealth of information on various subjects. These platforms often provide detailed articles, videos, and other resources that can help you gain a solid understanding of a topic.

3. Q&A Websites: Platforms like Quora, Stack Exchange, and Yahoo Answers host communities of users who provide answers to questions across different subjects. Post your question on these platforms, and you may receive responses from knowledgeable individuals.

4. Online Forums and Discussion Boards: For specific subjects or niche interests, search for online forums and discussion boards related to your topic of interest. These platforms allow users to ask questions and engage in discussions with an active community of people with expertise in the subject.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find online and cross-reference it with reliable sources. Different sources may present conflicting information, so it's essential to verify facts from multiple reputable sources to ensure accuracy.