automotive airbags inflate when sodium aside NaN3 Rapidly decomposes to its consistent elements. the equation for the chemical reaction is NaN3=Na+In2

The gaseous N2SO generated inflates the airbag. How many moles of NaN3 would have to decompose in order to generate 253 million of molecules of B4?

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To calculate the number of moles of NaN3 that would have to decompose in order to generate a certain number of molecules of N2 gas (B4), you need to use the balanced chemical equation and convert the given number of molecules of N2 into moles.

First, let's examine the balanced equation for the decomposition of NaN3:

2NaN3 → 2Na + 3N2

From the equation, we can see that 2 moles of NaN3 produce 3 moles of N2 gas. Therefore, we can set up a ratio using the coefficients of the balanced equation:

2 moles NaN3 : 3 moles N2

Now, we need to find the number of moles of N2 (B4) based on the given number of molecules. There are 6.022 x 10^23 molecules in 1 mole of any substance, according to Avogadro's number.

Given: 253 million molecules of N2 (B4)

Number of moles of N2 (B4) = (253 million molecules) / (6.022 x 10^23 molecules/mol)

Now, plug in the values into the equation:

Number of moles of N2 (B4) = (253 x 10^6) / (6.022 x 10^23)

Calculate this value to get the number of moles of N2 (B4).

Once you have the number of moles of N2 (B4), you can use the ratio from the balanced equation to determine the number of moles of NaN3 needed to produce that amount of N2 (B4).

Since the ratio of NaN3 to N2 is 2:3, you can set up a proportion:

2 moles NaN3 : 3 moles N2 = x moles NaN3 : number of moles of N2 (B4)

Solving for x will give you the number of moles of NaN3 needed.

Note: It's important to note that the given reaction and equation you provided (NaN3 = Na + In2) is incorrect. The correct reaction for the decomposition of NaN3 is 2NaN3 → 2Na + 3N2, as shown above.