Which American officer assisted Frémont's attacks in northern California?

A: John Drake Sloat assisted Frémont's attacks in northern California.

General Winfield Scott


Step 1: John Drake Sloat assisted Frémont's attacks in northern California.

To find the answer to your question, you can perform a search using a search engine such as Google. Simply enter the question, "Which American officer assisted Frémont's attacks in northern California?" in the search bar. The search engine will provide you with relevant information.

In this case, the answer is John Drake Sloat. John Drake Sloat was a commodore in the United States Navy who played a significant role in the Mexican-American War. He was in command of the Pacific Squadron and, in 1846, upon hearing that war had broken out between the United States and Mexico, he led his fleet to seize Monterey in California. This military action supported the efforts of John C. Frémont, an American officer who was leading attacks against Mexican forces in northern California, during the Bear Flag Revolt.

Please keep in mind that historical information may vary, and it is always a good idea to consult multiple reputable sources to ensure accuracy.