1.)what is the magnitude of the force experienced by a proton moving at 3 km/s inside magnetic field of strength 0.05T

2.)an electron is moving at 2x10^5 m/s through a uniform magnetic field of 1.4x10^-3 T.what is the magnitude of magnetic force if the velocity of the electron and the field make an angle of 45 degree.

To find the magnitude of the force experienced by a moving charged particle in a magnetic field, you can use the equation:

F = q * v * B * sin(theta)

F is the magnitude of the force
q is the charge of the particle
v is the velocity of the particle
B is the strength of the magnetic field
theta is the angle between the velocity vector and the magnetic field vector.

Let's use this equation to solve the given problems:

1. Magnitude of the force experienced by a proton:
Velocity (v) = 3 km/s = 3,000 m/s
Magnetic field strength (B) = 0.05 T

Since the problem doesn't mention the angle between the velocity and the magnetic field, we can assume that they are perpendicular to each other (theta = 90 degrees). In this case, sin(theta) = 1.

The charge of a proton (q) is +1.6 x 10^-19 C (coulombs).

Using the equation, we can calculate the magnitude of the force:
F = (1.6 x 10^-19 C) * (3,000 m/s) * (0.05 T) * (1)
F = 2.4 x 10^-14 N

Therefore, the magnitude of the force experienced by the proton is 2.4 x 10^-14 Newtons.

2. Magnitude of the magnetic force on an electron:
Velocity (v) = 2 x 10^5 m/s
Magnetic field strength (B) = 1.4 x 10^-3 T
Angle between the velocity and the magnetic field (theta) = 45 degrees

Using the equation, we need to calculate the sine of 45 degrees (sin(45)) which is √2 / 2.

The charge of an electron (q) is -1.6 x 10^-19 C (coulombs).

Using the equation, we can calculate the magnitude of the force:
F = (-1.6 x 10^-19 C) * (2 x 10^5 m/s) * (1.4 x 10^-3 T) * (√2 / 2)
F = -1.792 x 10^-13 N

Therefore, the magnitude of the force experienced by the electron is 1.792 x 10^-13 Newtons.

Remember that the negative sign indicates that the force is in the opposite direction of the magnetic field.