the poem a voice by pat more

What can you infer about the speaker's relationship with the person she describe

What do you think?

Idk I don't understand

How does she describe the person?

Like her family idk can u please help me

Please read it again carefully.

Then read the poem analysis below the poem.

I did I still don't understand an di don't even speak English that will

To infer about the speaker's relationship with the person described in the poem "A Voice" by Pat Mora, we need to analyze the speaker's tone, language, and overall description of the person. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do that:

1. Read the poem: Find a copy of the poem "A Voice" by Pat Mora and read it carefully to understand its content and structure. Pay attention to the details described by the speaker.

2. Identify the speaker: Determine who the speaker of the poem is. Is it the poet herself, Pat Mora, or a fictional character? Understanding the perspective of the speaker is crucial to interpreting their relationship with the person described.

3. Analyze tone and language: Examine the tone of the speaker towards the person described. Look for words or phrases that convey emotions, such as love, admiration, resentment, or indifference. Consider whether the speaker's language is positive, negative, or neutral when discussing the person.

4. Identify key characteristics and actions: Make note of the specific characteristics and actions described by the speaker. These details can provide clues about their relationship. For example, if the speaker describes the person with affectionate terms, shares memories, or expresses a desire to be close, it suggests a positive relationship.

5. Consider the overall message of the poem: Reflect on the overarching theme or message of the poem. If the poem is focused on the importance of family, friendship, or the power of voice and identity, it could influence how the speaker relates to the person described.

6. Draw an inference: Based on your analysis of the speaker's tone, language, characteristics, actions, and the poem's message, draw an inference about the speaker's relationship with the person described. Use your interpretation of the poem to support your inference.

By following these steps, you can infer the speaker's relationship with the person described in the poem "A Voice" by Pat Mora. Remember that poetry can be subjective, so different readers may have different interpretations.