What was a tithing?

Tithing is giving 10 percent of your income to a religious organization. Once it was giving 10 percent of your income to the government.


A tithing was a historical unit of organization in England. It was a division of a larger area, typically a village or parish, and consisted of around ten households or families. The term "tithing" derived from the Old English word "teoþunga," meaning "a tenth." Each household within a tithing was responsible for assisting in law enforcement and maintaining order within their community.

To find more information about tithings, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for "tithing" on a reputable search engine like Google.
2. Look for credible sources such as historical websites, academic journals, or reputable reference books.
3. Consider narrowing your search results by specifying a particular time period or geographical area if desired.
4. Read through the information presented in the sources and cross-reference multiple sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find to ensure its credibility and relevance to the historical context in which tithings existed.