Allison and Fred both work at the mall., but Allsion make $2 more than Fred. They work equal hours. Let x represent Allison earnings and y to represent Fred earnngs. Draw a graph representing the relationship between Allison and Fred earnings.

Cannot draw graphs on these posts.

To draw a graph representing the relationship between Allison and Fred's earnings, we need to understand the equation that describes their earnings.

Let's start with the given information: Allison makes $2 more than Fred, and they work equal hours. This can be represented by the equation:

x = y + 2

Here, x represents Allison's earnings, and y represents Fred's earnings. In this equation, we add $2 to Fred's earnings to get Allison's earnings.

To draw the graph, we assign one axis (let's say the x-axis) to Fred's earnings (y) and the other axis (y-axis) to Allison's earnings (x). On the graph, each point will represent a pair of earnings for both Allison and Fred.

Now, let's plot some points on the graph:

Let's assume Fred's earnings (y) are $10. Using the equation, we can calculate Allison's earnings (x) as:

x = 10 + 2 = 12

So the first point on the graph will be (10, 12), with Fred's earnings on the x-axis and Allison's earnings on the y-axis.

Similarly, let's assume Fred's earnings (y) are $15. Using the equation, we can calculate Allison's earnings (x) as:

x = 15 + 2 = 17

So the second point on the graph will be (15, 17).

We can continue this process and plot more points, or we can draw a straight line connecting these points to represent the relationship between Allison and Fred's earnings.

The resulting graph will be a straight line with a positive slope, indicating that Allison's earnings increase by $2 for every $1 increase in Fred's earnings.