The term subgenre describes a

1. Broad category of texts
2. Genre within a genre
3. Text that cannot be put into a genre
4. Text that encompasses a mixture of genres

Genre winthin a genre.

the answer to that one is 2.

The correct answer is 2. Genre within a genre.

To determine the answer, we need to understand the definition of subgenre. A subgenre is a more specific category or type of a larger genre. It is a subdivision or subset within a broader category.

For example, within the genre of science fiction, there are various subgenres such as cyberpunk, space opera, and dystopian fiction. These subgenres have specific characteristics and themes that distinguish them from the broader science fiction genre.

To arrive at this answer, one could use their general knowledge or conduct a quick internet search to understand what a subgenre is and how it relates to the concept of genre.